Fifty-three year old Damalesi has suffered from a goiter since 1981. Imagine living 40 years with a large lump on your throat, feeling great pain when walking and doing household chores.
Facing excessive pain, Damalesi first tried to seek treatment in 1992. She went to Nkhoma Hospital twice, was given an injection and pills for three months, and was told to wait another four years before getting treatment. But nothing changed. Until now.
Damalesi was in disbelief when she received a call inviting her to visit Kabudula Community Hospital where she could receive treatment from AHA. Damalesi lives just a 20 minute minibus ride from Kab, and came to our October screening camp.
Now, Damalesi is very happy to receive an operation because she believes it will greatly ease her pain during day to day activities.
Damalesi reported that AHA’s surgical program is helping many people in her community and believes the condition of goiters should be given more attention in Malawi.