Part of the team installing new sockets!
Our team will be arriving in Malawi in less than a month! We are still hard at work on the ground with Kabudula Community Hospital preparing for a busy week.
Over a year ago, there was new theatre equipment donated to Kabudula, but the electrical sockets were not the right shape to use them. We looked around for adapters but couldn’t find any that fit, and there was no solution besides changing the outlets, so we started to facilitate progress towards that.
We met with the anesthetists at Kabudula, the Lilongwe District Health Office and also found a great technician who had some great ideas to solve the problem permanently. Ultimately, a modern Malawian outlet and a new South African outlet were installed at each site in the theatre to accommodate equipment from all sides of the operating tables. Having both outlets there will allow all equipment to be used as the plugs come in both styles.
Anesthetist Clinical Officer Wells said “Wow! This is a great development. We have been trying to do this for over a year! Thank you so much, we are so proud of this work!”
New sockets!