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Light is passed into OR
Maintenance man George fixed the light so Nurse Christina passed it to anesthetist Patrick to set it up again in the minor procedure room to provide better lighting.
Enjoying dinner
Patients receive dinner of the local staple, nsima, with cabbage or beans, cooked by Kabudula chefs. Bon appetite!
Outpatient Department (OPD) Clinician Christopher assists with patient admissions.
We rented a minibus to transport patients, supplies, staff, and volunteers this week. It just so happens the owner & driver are from Kab!! They are incredibly excited about the program and very proud to be participating this week!
Patients gather around Minibus
Patients gather around AHA’s rented minibus, owned and driven by men from Kab!
Patients from near Moz
Patients from a very remote village near Malawi’s border with Mozambique came as a group on a minibus arranged by AHA. They were so happy to receive this service as it is the first time for anyone in their community to be reached regarding free surgeries.
Maintenance Man George is Invaluable
AHA provided a new plug and Maintenance Man George installed some new wires to repair this lamp for the minor procedure room.
Outpatients eagerly await Kab’s Outpatient Department (OPD) Clinician Christopher.
Nurse Christina with Patients
Nurse Christina chats with patients about their medications and how to take them at home.
All Hands on Deck
All hands were on deck for the biggest case of the day, a 3kg lipoma.
A Ward Nurse reviews patient files with Nurse Christina.
Silly Hats Appreciated Here
Visiting Nurse Sara poses with Kab’s anesthetist Wells Banda and his funny cap.
Patients & Staff Enjoy a Chat
At the end of the day, Kab staff chat with patients admitted pre-operatively who are on schedule for tomorrow’s camp. After an intense, long day like this, it’s impossible not to enjoy the humanity in others.
Maintenance Man George to the Rescue!
Maintenance Man George worked hard tonight fixing a lamp from the minor procedure room. Once it was fixed, patients could be treated without holding the flashlights of cell phones, aimed at their ailment.
Patients wait patiently in line to be seen.
All hands on deck!
It was all hands on deck in the major procedure room.
When Patients Contribute to Care
Today’s rains brought a power outage that affected patient care. Here, a patient holds a phone with the flashlight on to illuminate her ailment. Shortly after, the generator kicked on and the clinicians were able to use power to see their patients.
Kab’s sterilization team.