Mphatso needs your help.
Mphatso is a 12 year old boy who has had a growing facial tumor since he was born. His family lives in northern Tete, Mozambique, in a very remote village. Mphatso’s family has tried for years to get him help, traveling to neighboring Malawi many times trying to get medical attention.
In late 2021, however, there was a huge breakthrough that brought renewed hope for Mphatso and his family. With the help of many Mozambicans, Malawians, and Americans working together, Mphatso was connected to Access Health Africa, a nonprofit with the experience to facilitate a clear and affordable path to surgery!
The bottom line: In early 2023, we need to raise $3,000 to pay for Mphatso’s next two surgeries. Can you help Mphatso access a much-needed life-changing surgery?
Already done: In early 2022, we raised $4,481 and paid for Mphatso’s consultation, diagnosis, and first two surgeries.

Mphatso has been a patient at Mercy James Institute for Pediatric Surgery and Intensive Care in Blantyre, Malawi since January 2022, in and out of care between surgeries. This state of the art facility was funded by Madonna, and the surgeon - Dr. Borgstein - has operated on similarly complicated facial tumors in recent years with great success.
Mercy James covered the costs of the initial consult and the surgeries themselves, but fringe costs in Malawi are incredible expensive and are the biggest barrier between Mphatso and the care he needs. While the hospital and government cover direct medical costs, they do not pay for necessities like diagnostic tests such as CT scans, transportation, accommodations, food, or the supplies needed for Mphatso to safely and completely heal after the surgeries.
Partnering with AHA and Mercy James Institute is the opportunity that Mphatso and his family have been waiting so long for. These surgeries will drastically improve young Mphatso’s quality of life both physically and also socially. Please help us make this hope for a new future for Mphatso become a reality!
In early 2023, we are raising $3,000 to pay for the expenses Mphatso and his family will incur that are not covered by the government or Mercy James. Over the coming months, this money will fund trips to and stays in Blanytre for surgeries and follow up care. Please consider contributing in any ways you are able and share so we can show Mphatso how much support he has!
1/11/23: AHA’s Program Manager Angela and AHA Volunteer Jonathan traveled to Blantyre to visit Mphatso and his mother at Mercy James Hospital. While it may be difficult to notice the difference in Mphatso’s tumor, Angela and Jonathan reported that the decrease in the size of the tumor as well as improvements in Mphatso’s speech are both very noticeable in-person.
1/11/23: AHA’s Program Manager Angela met with Dr. Borgstein to discuss Mphatso’s care and plans for continuing & completing his treatment.
1/2/23: While caring for Mphatso in Blantyre, Aida, Mphatso’s mom, became very ill and was also admitted to a non-pediatric section of Mercy James. Aida’s sister traveled from Mozambique to care for both Mphatso and Aida, and we are so thankful we had the funds to ensure both Mphatso and his mother were taken care of.
12/31/22: The infection has cleared and Mphatso remains at Mercy James’s under the watchful eye of Dr. Borgstein and his team.
11/16/22: Mphatso had his second surgery to address the tumor on the side of his head. This tumor is not as large as the one son his cheek, but it is substantial. The surgery was an overall success, thanks to the multiple surgeons who participated. As suspected, the tumor was very vascular (having to do with many veins), and controlling the bleeding proved to be difficult, but not impossible. Mphatso was admitted into the ICU to ensure bleeding would not start again, prior to being woken up. He was woken up and the surgery was officially declared a success! Unfortunately, there was an infection at the surgical site, which delayed his release.
11/13/22 (approx.): Mphatso went under anesthesia to have sclerotherapy, injections to reduce the blood supply to the tumor.
11/10/22 (approx.): Mphatso admitted to Mercy James to undergo pre-surgical screenings.
4/18/22: Mphatso admitted at Mercy James and underwent screenings to assess progress after the first surgery.
4/15/22: Nurse Christina visited Mphatso and his family in Mozambique to confirm the upcoming trip to and procedure at Mercy James in Blantyre. Nurse Christina conducted a quick examination and noticed a substantial decrease in swelling below Mphatso’s chin and around the mouth thanks to the March procedure that closed one of the two veins feeding the growth.
4/11/22: Team from Amsterdam specializing in AVM was at Mercy James and reviewed Mphatso’s case with Professor Borgstein. They agreed to review his scans after his next procedure.
3/16/22: Mphatso’s first surgery to close one of the two veins feeding the growth completed at Mercy James.
2/20/22: Mphatso underwent additional MRI imaging in Lilongwe.
2/18/22: AHA’s Global Health Fellow Angela and Nurse Christina visited Mphatso, his father, and his medical team to collect additional details and drop off color books and magazines to help pass the time.
2/15/22: Mphatso taken into operating room for a thorough examination with manipulation to better inform the surgery.
2/9/22: Mphatso was originally scheduled for surgery but it was postponed due to the visiting surgeon canceling their trip. He and his father will remain in Blantyre for a week until the new surgery date.
2/6/22: Mphatso and Alick returned to Mercy James Hospital to be admitted for care. Mphatso’s COVID test was negative and he and completed preparations for surgery.
1/27/22: Mphatso was discharged with a scheduled surgery in early February. While traveling from Blantyre to their home, Mphatso and Alick stopped by the AHA office to say hello, meet Angela, and try on some new clothes!
1/26/22: Dr. Borgstein received results from the biopsy, bloodwork, and scans and developed a treatment plan & timeline.
1/24/22: Mphatso had another ultrasound done due to the 1/19/22 CT scan revealing blood vessels in the growth that were not found in the original plan. We are so thankful for caring doctors who are not rushing and who are committed to getting Mphatso’s treatment right!
1/19/22: Mphatso had a CT scan.
1/11/22: Mphatso had an ultrasound, a biopsy, and bloodwork done.
1/11/22: Nurse Christina traveled back to Lilongwe. Alick has spent much time in Malawi advocating for his son and feels comfortable navigating the system with remote guidance from Nurse Christina.
1/10/22: Mphatso was seen by Dr. Borgstein at Mercy James Institute in Blantyre and was admitted for care and taken for bloodwork. He was given a preliminary diagnosis, and we will share more after the bloodwork and scans come back.
1/9/22: Nurse Christina met Mphatso, and Alick at the Malawi-Mozambique border.
Below is the budget breakdown for Mphatso’s care. Depending on progress and complexity, Mphatso may undergo more surgeries than initially proposed, in which case we may conduct additional fundraisers:
$300: phone & airtime for Mphatso to stay in contact with his family, AHA, and Ali
$400: meals for Nurse Christina while traveling to Mozambique and Mercy James
$500: accommodations for Nurse Christina while traveling to Mozambique and Mercy James to assist Mphatso and his family
$500: labs, medications, and tests
$500: incidentals for Mphatso & Alick
$800: transportation for Nurse Christina & Angela
$500: nurse locum
$1,700: transportation for Mphatso & Alick
$500: accommodations for Alick
$400: food for Mphatso and Alick
Total: $5,900
Any funds raised over $5,900 will go toward Mphatso’s future care or directly to his family.
Mphatso suffers from arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), which happens when a group of blood vessels form incorrectly. The arteries and veins are tangled and form direct connections (instead of connecting through capillaries as they should) and bypass normal tissue. Mphatso’s malformations are less arterial and more venous.
tbd around April 2023: surgery #3
January 13, 2023: Mphatso discharged after surgery #2 and a post-surgical infection.
November 16, 2022: surgery #2
February 15, 2022: surgery #1
January 26, 2022: treatment plan created
January 11-24, 2022: diagnostic scans
January 10, 2022: Mphatso’s consult with Dr. Borgstein, attended by Mphatso’s father Alick and Nurse Christina
October-December 2021: coordination, planning
Mphatso: the patient. Mphatso is a 12 year old boy who has had a growing facial tumor since he was born. Mphatso and his family have attempted to get medical treatment many times but have run into too many obstacles. This surgery would be life-changing, and life-saving for Mphatso.
Alick: the father. Alick is Mphatso’s father and co-biggest advocate. He travels and stays with Mphatso at Mercy James in Blantyre, switching off with his wife.
Aida: the mother. Aida is Mphatso’s mother and co-biggest advocate. She frequently travels and stays with Mphatso at Mercy James.
Dr. Eric Borgstein: the surgeon. Dr. Borgstein is a pediatric surgery at Mercy James Center for Pediatric Surgery and Intensive Care in Blantyre, Malawi who is leading Mphatso’s surgical treatment.
Nurse Christina: the advocate. Nurse Christina is a nurse in Lilongwe, Malawi and a staff member of AHA. Nurse Christina will travel to Blantyre to support Mphatso and Alick through the medical and bureaucratic process at Mercy James.
Helder: the connector. Helder met Ali years ago while she was living in Mozambique and was the one who reached out asking for help for Mphatso.
Angela: the planner. Angela is AHA’s Global Health Fellow and is responsible for planning and overseeing Mphatso’s care while in-country.
Ali: the origin. Ali has been coordinating logistics with Helder and AHA, and is raising funds to support this endeavor. Ali lived and taught in Mozambique almost 20 years ago. She remained in contact with a number of her students, including Helder.
While Malawi boasts a universal healthcare program, many expenses are not covered. These costs are often prohibitive to many potential patients, which is where medical sponsorship comes in.
In Mphatso’s case, Malawi’s healthcare program will cover (not inclusive) surgeries, Mphatso’s accommodations, Mphatso’s food, referrals, and select tests and diagnostic procedures.
The inevitable costs Mphatso and Alick will incur are what we are fundraising to cover. And every gift helps Mphatso get closer to care.
Access Health Africa is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with more than 20 years’ experience in Malawi. Their mission is to improve access to quality health services, education & resources through community-driven initiatives in Malawi. They run a number of programs including training for Malawian surgeons, surgical camps to assist hospitals with patient backlogs, and sponsorship for patients with complex diagnoses like Mphatso.
AHA is a registered 501(c) 3 organization in the United States. Your contribution may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Ali and AHA will share updates in a number of ways including personal emails from Ali, AHA’s website (, AHA’s blog (, AHA’s facebook page (, and AHA’s instagram (@accesshealthafrica).
Online: you can donate by clicking any of the yellow DONATE buttons on this page.
Facebook: Ali’s personal fundraiser for Mphatso is at:
Instagram: on AHA’s profile, @AccessHealthAfrica
Check: please make checks out to Access Health Africa, write Mphatso in the memo line, and mail them to Access Health Africa / PO Box 57 / Boone, North Carolina 28607.
Zelle: using AHA’s bank account at
Venmo: at our profile @AccessHealthAfrica
Thank you for asking. We know times are tough for many right now. The most helpful thing you can do for Mphatso is sharing his story and his fundraiser. Without raising $3,000, we can’t fully cover Mphatso’s care. The more people who hear Mphatso’s story, the more luck we’ll have in reaching our goal and providing Mphato with the life-changing surgery he deserves.